
Based on the twenty-fourth (24th) chapter of Arbudakhand of Skanda Purana) We get an introduction to the greatness of Shri Mata Parashakti, the resident of Arbuda Parvat, in the Arbudakhand under the seventh Prabhas section of Skanda Purana, in the dialogue between Pulastya Rishi and King Yayati. The Rishi narrates a story to the king in this regard - which is being briefly described here.


After listening to the brief description of the greatness of the main pilgrimages of Arbuda mountain, rishi Pulastya, while concluding the Arbuda section of Skanda Purana, tells King Yayati that "there are so many pilgrimages and holy places here that it will be difficult to describe them even in a hundred years. Those who live on this beautiful Arbuda mountain do not have as much virtue as those who live in heaven. What is the use of that life's wealth and chanting if one does not get the darshan of Maa Arbuda. Even insects, moths, animals, birds, lice etc. die here with a desire or without any desire, then they get Shiva Sayujya without old age and death. In this region, there is a main pilgrimage Katyayani Tirtha - telling the history of which to the king, the sage advises him to go there.


The sage tells the king that "the one who destroys the demon Shumbh Goddess Katyayani resides in Arbuda cave, you should go there”.


In ancient times there was a great demon named Shumbh. Due to the boon of Lord Shankar, he was invincible in the battle against any God, Demon, Rakshasa etc. But he was killed by a woman. He conquered the whole world and the Gods. The distressed Gods came to Arbudachal and started doing penance to kill the demon Shumbh. Here they worshipped the manifest form of the Goddess. The Goddess was pleased and asked them to ask for a boon. The Gods requested that the evil soul Shumbh has taken away everything from them, Mother, you had protected us from Bashkali earlier also. Today also you should protect us. After listening to the Gods, the Goddess went to Shumbh and angrily rebuked him again and again and motivated him for the war. Even then, thinking him to be a woman, the demon Shumbh did not come forward for the war and sent the demon army for the war


The demons surrounded the Goddess from all directions and started challenging her. The Goddess reduced them to ashes by just looking at them. After this, Shumbh himself came and raised his sword and said, "Wait, wait". Then he was reduced to ashes by just looking at the Goddess. The remaining demons went to the netherworld


Satisfied gods praised the goddess and said, "Give me whatever you want." The goddess said, "I will stay here in Arbuda because This has always been my desire. The gods said- because of your stay here, the people who die reach heaven without any sacrifice, donation or penance and make it accessible to us.


The Goddess said- I will stay there in a beautiful cave. Only a few people will be able to see me.
The gods said- O Goddess, do as you wish. We will always visit you on the eighth day of the Shukla Paksha.


Rishi Pulastya said to the king-
Pleased, the gods left and the Mother remained there in solitude for the welfare of the world. Whoever sees the Mother on Shukla Ashtami in a trance, gets his desired wish, even if it is difficult.


यस्तां पश्यति राजेन्द्र शुक्लाष्टभ्यां समाहितः।
अभीष्टं स सदाप्नोति यद्यापि स्यात्सुदुर्लभम्।।